Last year it didn't go well at all with the grapes - "birds" were the biggest culprit also the lack of knowledge. This year we have been facing a hotter growing season, the birds are still here though this time I used netting. I also fertilized and kept the "grass / weed roots" dug out - Lets say I was more aggressive at it.
The grapes I planted are Flame seedless, a light red, crisp sweet berry that requires cooler nights. This season we've been hit with hot triple digit days and nights not so cool. This morning at 5:30 it was 87 degrees! I'm so pleased though that they have done as well as they have. The grapes should be a bit larger but they have been ripening to fast, some of the fruit I've been picking are already dried like raisins! LOL I'll be harvesting them today. The harvest for Flame grapes is June - July.
Flame Seedless taken June 27, 12 |
Leaves are burning from the heat and has been cooking the grapes. |
Gordy, you aren't allowed grapes! |
Just picked and a few left that weren't ready. :) |
I did plant one Thompson seedless that will produce next season it is considered a cane plant, grows more upright not out like the Flame. :) I don't believe grapes are that difficult though can be a challenge to gardeners unless you're a "pro." I'm getting better. :D
Desert Fruit and Nut Tree
info ~
This year our
strawberries didn't do much at all - same reasons to hot and they seem to be burning out. I lost a couple plants already and I really need to get them shade. Last year they did well though earlier this year I had to get all the grass roots out of the plants. Not sure if it helped them or not. My plans is to move them totally out of the garden and put them in an above garden with proper protection if needed from the elements and critters!