Zucchini Latkes

Zucchini Latkes
2 Cups zucchini grated*
4 eggs, slightly beaten
1 cup bread crumbs*
1/2 - 3/4 cup minced onions
fresh tomato slices
cheese sliced, your choice*
Parmesan, grated
salt & pepper to taste
olive oil
large skillet
oblong casserole dish or pan for baking
Mix together first 4 ingredients together like making a batter. Next get your large skillet heated and place a bit of oil for frying. I didn't use a lot just enough to fry the Latkes as you would potato cakes or pancakes. Once your pan is ready I used a large spoon to scoop out fairly even portions to fry. I fried 3 at a time. Once set one side flip and cook the other. Arrange fried Latkes in baking dish and continue until all are in the baking dish. How many you make depends on the size of your cakes. Next I place a fresh tomato slice on each and placed my cheese on top of that. In a 375 degree oven I baked until the Latkes were heated through and cheese melted.
* zucchini - I grated mine the day before and left some of the moisture drain through a paper towel and strainer to remove some of the moisture. You don't have to do this step.
* breadcrumbs I used a cup and a half of my own bread. In a food processor place bread of your choice and pulse; let the crumbs dry up some - over night best.
*I used sliced cheddar, it's what I had and left out the Parmesan. I would use a sharper cheese next time. The zucchini can be bland.
My Mom mentioned she thought she add the Parmesan in the mix instead of on top next time.
I would add some fresh minced garlic.

Simply Yummy!