There's nothing like having your own garden fresh tomatoes and this year was pretty good for us. As for my hot peppers - that's a another story last years were better. The garden started out great, my Dad and I did a good job getting it ready for spring last year late fall - the soil is good. During last year early winter I had planted garlic and potatoes and guess what? We got garlic and potatoes I loved the garlic and the gopher loved some of the potatoes!
Garlic and Potatoes spring 2011 |
Early this year I chose two cluster type tomato plants and one plum - I believe what made the difference from the previous years lack of fruit - is that last year plants had to much sun and intense heat - this year I planted in a different location of the garden and used green screen for some shade.
Surprise overcast day~ |
We were able to harvest tomatoes mid-summer and than in the fall before the frost. Actually, if we hadn't received that frost the tomatoes would have been ripened on the vine. So this all lead to what to do with all the green tomatoes! (Trying my hardest to keep this short lol). I did give some to our neighbors, my Dad loves to fry them so he was happy with his and it still left us with lots!
Last harvest of tomatoes amongst fresh herbs~ |
So after talking with my Mom she told me that she used to make a recipe called Piccalilli using sliced green tomatoes but didn't know where the recipe she used was. So intrigued with finding out I of course went surfing on the internet. I find the recipe I thought I'd like the best and that wasn't to much to get into with limited time. The piccalilli recipe I used was dated back in the 1800's and found
here. I did do a short boiling water bath since tomatoes are acidic but I imagine it wasn't necessary with this recipe. This blogger also got the recipe from another link both are great sites and are worth checking out.
Just about ready :p |
I ended up with nine pints and didn't look as pretty as on recipe link; still tasted yummy though! Next year maybe pick some green tomatoes from your garden and have at it! You will not be disappointed that is if you like a relish type condiment.