Delicious Cream Cheese From Yogurt!

Delish Goat Chevre on a fresh gluten free muffin ~
I've read about it, thought about it and decided I'd give it a try.   Yummy - is just one word to use, simple is another and I'll not leave out that yogurt is also good for you too!  Hoping to one day make my own; for now choosing to use a good quality yogurt, either goat or cow, will work.  Buy a "good quality" yogurt to use; I'm referring to one that has live and active cultures.  When we lived in Ohio, I was able choose a yogurt from a large selection.  Now living in a smaller community I use Mountain High Plain yogurt , unless I purchased yogurt in Tucson.

Living and active cultures are beneficial  probiotics excellent for your health.  And, should be made apart of your daily routine.  If you can't purchase probiotics (acidophiles) choose to purchase the best yogurt you can.  I buy plain and if I want something sweeter I add honey, of course you can add whatever sweetener you prefer.

I made two different kinds, I first tried goat yogurt from Redwood Hill Farm using cheesecloth to separate the solid (cheese) from the whey.  You get the idea from pictures.

I would twist it to squeeze out whey - but not to hard.

You want to drain out as much whey as you can.  It took some time to get the consistency I wanted.  I just left it out on the counter, it takes time but worth it.  I had to place it in the frig overnight and checked it in the morning.

For regular cream cheese from plain yogurt you do the same thing.  For this process I used a jelly cloth for canning and it went much better.  


The flavor is so good and don't forget good for you.  I hope you'll give it a try but after the holidays and treat yourself.   I made the above in October and in November just getting it posted now, to busy to post though happy I still try yummy things!


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