For The Love of Watermelon ~

 I have a few posts I've share on juicing. Today is "Watermelon" ~ 

I used a delicious local watermelon and as I was feeding it in the hopper of my Omega I also added mint from outback through the juicer. The mint on the left is a domesticated sweet mint [as you can see I left it a little to long - it still worked] and on the right a Habek mint that is desert tolerant from what I understand and very mild. It is also tasty with sprinkling water if you are in need of fizz!

After I juiced it up I thought I'd check out benefits. Here's 12 amazing benefits of watermelon one link I checked out, pretty cool - healthy!

This morning it sure has been warming up fast so what better than to have a refreshing glass of sparkling watermelon juice with mint. Enjoy ~


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